Friday 26 December 2014


Oh winter,
You come again with a sea of love
Bring lots of hope to survive
You entered to the depth of my heart.

Oh winter,
Will you let me sleep on your lap??
To kiss the hem of mist
With my quavering lips .
Will the blade of dew wetted grass
Can recognize my teared eyes??
Will you fulfill the dry land of my heart
With your bosomed love ??

Oh winter,
Hug me with your chilly wind
I will warmth you with my December poems !!!

Thursday 18 September 2014

Welcoming Autumn..

শৰতৰ আগমন..
নিয়ৰৰ দলিচাত তলসৰা শেৱালীৰ
আমোলমোল সুবাস...
ৰিব ৰিব মলয়াৰ পৰশত নৈৰ পাৰত
কহুৱাৰ নাচোন...
পথাৰ ভৰা শইচ দেখি আপ্লুত
হোৱা কৃষকৰ ৰেহৰূপ..
খনিকৰৰ হাতৰ পৰশত প্ৰাণ পাই
উঠা মহিষমৰ্দিনী দুৰ্গাৰ মৃন্ময়
ফাচীবজাৰত লানি নিচিগা ভিৰ,
উন্মাদ কবিৰ শৰতৰ
প্ৰতি থকা 'বিশেষ' অনুৰাগ ...
ইত্যাদিৰ পৰা অনুমান কৰিব
পাৰি যে এয়া উৎসৱৰ বতৰ, আনন্দ
উল্লাস কৰাৰ বতৰ ৷
my heartyest welcome to the
season of Autumn ..

Blurred vision...

Is there anyone left to sleep?   
Anyone wants to spend a sleepless night?  
Or only I remain as a witness of this darkness of night
Broken hearted, free minded a guy enjoying the sparkling stars... 
Intensity of moonlight could not remove my pains … 
I’m enjoying some virtual persistence of melancholic touch in this gloomy night 
Sacred of, if my imaginations fall down from the peak of dreams! 
Is there anyone left to sleep?    
I’m still awake to witness a suspicious night in the midst of this dead and alive!
I can’t sleep 
Dreams are same what I’ve seen in imagination or in this sleepless night.
I wish I shouldn’t be there.
Surrounded by some fears of breaking my dreams, losing them
At last, they throw me to a concreted wall…
Often I tried to watch something forcefully but it seems blurred…
However, sometime unknowingly an acquainted face appears before me 
Wanted to say something, ambiguous.. Blurred…   
I see her face behind the cloud and the dark of a dense foggy night,  
Called her loudly!  
She doesn’t listen …
Words started echoing and faded afterwards…  
Distractedly forwarded my hands to touch …but 
What is this? A body or a soul
Or a reflection?
Again some imagination  fall down from the peak of dreams
Trying to catch out them
Failed, tried...failed  
Is there anyone left to sleep?    
No, no one..
Its natural… 
Still I am not alone
There is someone for whom my heart weeps 
For me she also weeps!
If there is someone then why she left me at first sight? 
I’m still waiting for ……
I know, there is someone also spending the same sleepless night with me  :) :)

Wednesday 17 September 2014

তিক্ততা. . .

জোনাকভৰা সন্ধিয়াৰ
         স্নিগ্ধ জোনটিলৈ চাই
বিছাৰিছোঁ তোমাৰ
          নীলবৰণীয়া ওঠৰ হাঁহি  ৷
যন্ত্ৰণাৰে পীড়িত
             মোৰ পৃথিৱীলৈ
তুমি নামি আহিছিলা
        এটুপি নিৰ্ভেজাল বৰষুণ ৰূপে ৷
সাৱটি ৰাখিব খুজিছিলো তোমাক
            হৃদয়ৰ এটি নিভৃত কোণত ,
আলফুলীয়াকৈ ৰাখিছিলো
              জীৱন যুজত ,
আগবাঢ়ি যোৱাৰ
            একমাত্ৰ সাহস স্বৰূপে ৷
কিন্তু, সময় আৰু সমাজৰ
               নিৰ্মম বাধাই ,
তোমাক কাঢ়ি লৈ গ'ল
         মোৰ আকাংক্ষিত মৰমৰ পৰা ৷
ব্যৰ্থ হলো তোমাক পাবলৈ
          ই সাম্ভাৱ্য আছিল মোৰ বাবে ,
হেৰুৱাইছিলো নিজকে তোমাৰ মাজত
         মনলৈ উপলব্ধি অহা নাছিল ,
তুমি যে এখন আকাশ
             মই মাত্ৰ পৃথিৱীহে  !!

Saturday 13 September 2014

এজাক বৰষুণ ...

গছৰ জীৰ্ণ পাতবোৰক জিপাল
কৰি তুলিবলৈ ..
মৰহি যোৱা ফুলৰ সুবাস তুলিবলৈ ..
মাটিৰ কেচা গোন্ধৰ প্ৰাণ সঞ্চাৰ
কৰিবলৈ ..
কৃষকৰ মুখত সুখৰ হাঁহি বিৰিঙাবলৈ ..
শৰতত শেৱালী ফুলাৰ বতৰা লৈ ..

Saturday 6 September 2014

Wedding of a whore....

Her lovers boozed up , embraced her ,Taking the pleasure of her soul
But she is scared , she is no longer a virgin ...
If he get a hint of it ..!
Adherence of fair and lovely cover up her youthfulness (!)
Still she want to get married .
She has a dream to be a mother of a legal child.
How much she will throw the assholes on the lap of nature ..!
Today we won't find any of those scoundrels ,the so called gentleman.
Cowards are ashamed of receiving her invitation.
But once they deceived their wives to spend the pleasurable nights with her chastity.
But today she won't weep for those pains ,
Rather she will accept someone wholeheartedly and oath to be a chaste wife. :) :)

There's no sign of tyres of luxury cars in her gateway.
There's no mark of inebriation , physical pleasure..

Today ,the wedding of a whore.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Unspoken Tone

Feelings flowing in my blood
Trembling like an unspeakable voice
At times it's calm
At times thump loud..
Your presence thrilled me
It was the best ornament for my life.
Blood shaken by your presence.
When the evening falls
My soul took me to the staircase of feelings,
Tried to go up
To touch the quietness of the sky !
Wish to ask for a bit of blue..!
But fingers started shaking
No no ,I can't do it.
Come down with the empty hands
Grasp the soil and started moaning.
Sky is a dream for me !
Trying to sympathize my breath
Yes, today I am matured.

Thursday 22 May 2014

Self thought #4

I am living in a world...
unspeakable, full of emoticons..
I keep hiding my feelings by taking the opportunity of quietness.. :)
A ray of hope and creativity start my day..but I have to lock it up in a dark place..!
Sometime the drops of melancholy creates heavy rain where I have to lost my reality..
A fear of  identity crisis run after me.. I feel worry that am I doing any wrong or going against this beautiful world ??
Because nobody gonna realize me it ..
Sometimes these thoughts puzzled me. I scribbled down to write but the anchor of my soul betrayed me.. I have to resist myself .. Everybody left me.. silence arise for a while and at last these feelings stop working and turn me back to world of reality. :) :)

Friday 2 May 2014

Street Dwellers

I am a dweller of this busy soil
Sitting here before the heat of the day
Wayfarers steps break my dream
It gives me a sense of day spring!
Skyscrapers are not my dream
I am writhing under the heat of tent
Essence of aristocrats touch my insipid soul
It plays a role in filling up my empty bawl!
              ---A reflection of street dwellers.

Thursday 17 April 2014


I find you as the setting sun in my anticipated evening.. when I started to thinking about you..!
then my all hopes turn to two drops of warm tears..!
your vanity scattered my heart for a while but my dreams for you remain same and you can't be my past..
I know melancholies don't get any value but I have no regret for it!!

Tuesday 15 April 2014


You want to be close to me
But don't ask me about the
Colours of my life.
Melancholies of night are my favourite identity.
Don't show me a dream
Because I got my first lesson of life
Inside the ribs of my mother's chest.
I am not habituated with dreams!
Don't ask me about the
Colours of love,
Neither flamboyance blown up in my heart
Nor I know the colour of Golden Shower!
I don't know how long a root of faith can sprout,
I never stepped on the valley of relationship!
I have an inborn practice of
Having an affair with darkness!

(Published in 'Horizon' of The Assam Tribune of 9th May/2014 edition)

Saturday 1 March 2014

I am wounded by your touch!

I have met you
at the first lesson of alphabet..!
I felt you when we were playing 'hide and seek' and you ran after me..!
I was thrilled by your
divine touch !
I know it was an accident...
but what could I do ..
I am still distressed by it..
l am wounded !
I am wounded by your touch!!!

Monday 10 February 2014


ফুলপাহ সযতনে ফুলি আছে
কংক্ৰীটৰ মহানগৰীত
ফুলপাহৰ স্থান এতিয়া
'X' এনক্লেভৰ দ্বিতীয় মহলাত ৷
ফুলপাহৰ সৈতে মোৰ সম্পৰ্ক আজন্ম  মাথো সময়ৰ আহ্বানত
তাইৰ স্থানৰ পৰিবৰ্তন ৷
তথাপিও সময়ৰ চঞ্চল বতাহজাকে
তাইক আতৰাই নিব পৰা নাই
মোৰ হৃদয়ৰ পৰা,
অৱশ্যে বতাহজাকে
তাইক উদ্বাউল কৰি তুলিছে ৷
ভোমোৰাৰ গুঞ্জনে কিজানিঃ 
তাইক নিনাদিত কৰি তুলিছে .....!!!!